On the far side of our new property is a barn. Previous to our ownership there were cows in the pasture that allowed them access to the barn. There were circumstances that we are unsure of, but I believe there were at least two (maybe more) cow carcasses that were left in the barn. I was quite surprised to realize that it actually has a concrete floor in it as there were a good few inches of dirt and decomposing material covering it. A few weeks ago I push a bunch out with the tractor and brought some loads down for Kate’s garden. This would have been a lot easier to do with a bucket, but getting creative with the box blade worked out. In the garden this material has been amazing to grow things in. I do really wish the first set of beds we made had gotten a good dose of this stuff too.
So now we are getting to a mostly cleared out barn. No power or water is running to it currently. It looks like plastic panels replaced some of the metal in the roof to let in light. These have long worn away and the wood that is(was) underneath those has mostly decayed. The rest of the structure though seems to be in really good condition. I think it’s salvageable and given some work, will be a useful building.