We were really wondering how our cat, that we’ve had for the past 10 years as an indoor cat, would take to the change. There was an upper level deck that we would let him out on at the old house, but generally he spent most his time indoors. Our indoor square footage in the new house is about 1/3 of the previous. So we were concerned if Adama, with his Abyssinian energy and need to roam, would do well. The new place has a wrap around screened porch which I think it was our saving grace. He loves to sit out there and watch what is going on in the yard. He finds sunbeams and lounges in them for hours. The one thing he doesn’t seem to like is the kittens, he makes sure to give them a hiss when they come up close to the screen. It was the same for Tux previously too, though now he doesn’t seem to mind much if Tux plants himself nearby. When Tux does make it on to the porch, they don’t get along. Adama talks a big talk and seems to think he’s a big deal, really though he is a runt and most people wonder if he is full grown. So when a bigger cat comes around and can actually get at him, he gets a lesson in humility. Overall he’s adapted well and seems to be just as happy if not happier in the new place.